Pecan Pie

As we get busy on Thanksgiving day, and time runs out fast, you will need a dessert that can be done the night before. This is it! This pecan pie recipe can be stored overnight in a humidity-free environment... (for us, South Floridian, it's the oven). 
All you need are good ingredients and some patience. 

Serves: 10ppl
Ingredients:                                                   Oven Temp: 350 F
Pastry Crust                                                   Cooking Time: 45-50 min
1 1/2 cup all purpose flour                                    
1/2 tsp salt                                                            
1 tsp sugar
1/2 cup butter                                                     
3-4 tbsp ice water
1/2 tsp vanilla (optional)
2 1/2 cups of pecans halves
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup light-color corn syrup
1/2 cup butter
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla

Step 1: Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.  
Step 2: Make your pastry crust. In a your mixing bowl, with the dough paddle, mix in your flour and salt. Add the butter (cut into small pieces) and sugar until well blended. Progressively,  add your water, tablespoon by tablespoon. Mix slowly until a dough comes together. Remove from mixing bowl, and knead into a ball. Let it sit covered in plastic wrap. 
Step 3: Before rolling your dough into a flat surface, start making the filling. In a medium saucepan, bring butter, corn syrup, and brown sugar to a boil. You should be stirring the mixture constantly. Once first bubbles comes, remove from heat. Set aside. In a separate bowl, mix eggs and vanilla. 
Step 4: Get your rolling pin, and roll your dough into a circle that will fit into your oven-proof dish. Lay pastry dough in dish. 
Step 5: In your egg/vanilla mixture bowl, add slowly the hot butter/corn syrup/sugar mixture, while mixing constantly again, so the eggs don't cook. Add chopped pecans. Your filling is ready!
Step 6: Pour filling into pastry crust. Cover with foil the edges of the crust so they don't burn right away. Bake for 25 minutes. Then, remove foil, and bake for a remaining 20-25 minutes, until your filling is set.