Mediterranean Quiche

Mediterranean Quiche

Here is our typical family lunch dish, a quiche. What we love about quiche, it is the varsity of fillings you can make. The most common quiche is the Quiche Lorraine, which is simply eggs, bacon, cheese, and onion. The base is similar for all quiches, you just need to know what ingredients (veggies, meats) you enjoy, and mixes well! 
First step for a good quiche, is the crust. Once you have a good recipe, keep it! By the way, if you don't have time to make your own crust, you can buy good pre-made pie crust at the grocery store. Our go to crust brand is Pillsbury.
Second step, it's the filling. Since we love zucchinis, here is our Mediterranean quiche recipe. 

Serves: 6-8ppl
Ingredients:                                                Oven Temp: 375 F
Savory Crust                                              Cooking Time: 35-45 min     2 cups all purpose flour                                     
9 tbsps butter (room-temperature)
1/2 tsp salt  
1 egg yolk
3 tbsps ice cold water (depending on humidity)                                   
1 tbsp oil
1 half onion (sliced)
3 zucchinis (grated)
1/2 can of fresh tomotoes  
1/2 tsps turmeric powder
1 bunch of basil
4 eggs
1 cup cottage cheese

Make the crust
Step 1:  Combine your flour, butter, salt and yolk. Mix until well blended, add water, tbsp by tbsp until you get a slightly sticky dough. You might not need to use all water.  Roll into a bowl shape, and wrap it with plastic. Place your dough in the fridge for 30 min.  
Step 2: Pre-heat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. 
Step 3: Take out the dough from the fridge. On lightly floured space, roll it into a round shape to fit into your oven-proof pie dish. 
Step 4: Place dough carefully into your dish. Using a fork, prick it all over.  
Step 5: Cook your dough for 10 minutes in the oven. 
Make the filling
Step 6: In a pan, on medium-to-high heat, add oil. Cook your onions for about 3-4 min until they are slightly tender. 
Step 7: Add grated zucchinis into the pan and stir with onions. Cook for 5 min. Add 1/2 of the can of tomatoes, and turmeric. Stir together, and let it cook for anohter 10-15 min, on medium-to-low heat. 
Step 8: In a mixing bowl, add eggs, cottage cheese, and chopped fresh basil. Season with salt and pepper. 
Step 9: Add cooked vegetables to the mixing bowl, and mix all ingredients together with a spatula. 
Step 10: Pour filling into crust. Place in the oven, and cook for 35-40 min. 

Notes: Make sure your crust at the top doesn't burn. If you see after 20-25 min in the oven that it is getting darker, place foil over crust. Cut the foil in a ring shape, so the filling is not covered, just the side crust. 
Also, if you don't like cottage cheese, replace it with 1 cup sour cream, and 1/4 cup cheese (mozzarella or Swiss cheese).